Sunday, May 20, 2007

[E] of a relation about my «exercises of the grain of mustard»

Photo: Izydor Młoczkowski / Colored: pg_dimare


For one year and three months, 2008, August, 8th, at 8 pm and 8 minutes and 8 seconds after, but I don’t know what is this Time Zone, but it doesn’t matter, the Summer Games of 29th Olympiad will be open in Beijing.
The magic of numbers, multiplied eight, 8th day of 8th month of 8th year of the following century of West World.
In my opinion, a prosperity nevertheless can not bewitched, if the People's Republic of China doesn’t stop itself to repress the ethnic minorities and political opposition, if the People's Republic of China doesn’t stop its exterminated occupation of Tibet persisting from 1949, if the People's Republic of China doesn’t stop itself to support the government of Sudan responsible for the crimes of genocide the people of Darfur, if the People's Republic of China doesn’t undertake an effort to agree in relation to the Republic of China i.e. Taiwan respecting its independent.
If not –

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